About & ManifestoMeet the CEOThe Process
Since 2017, SAPKONSTRUKT has been working with numerous clients, both in the commercial space and residential. Through extensive deliberation with interior designers, architects, and the project owners, SAPKONSTRUKT’s ambition is to produce strategically-planned, result oriented, and everlasting construction work in every step of the process.
Constructions need not be more complicated than it actually is. As contractors, we give room for concepts in the hands of the designers, while our team focuses on making every plans and sketches come into realization down to every joint, corners, and turns. What we really strive for is creating a strategically-planned, problem-solving, result-oriented & everlasting construction project. All while considering efficiency & efficacy of every bit of it.
We do constructions well. Simply that.
OfficeJl. Pejagalan 1 No. 24Jakarta Barat - 11240
ContactEmail : saputra.adikarya.pratama@gmail.com
PT Saputra Adikarya Pratama